Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blog Post Emo Style

MEMORANDUM (-Random Memory) (-R{A}M)

To Justin, Vice Administrative Personamathing,, Daniel, Vice Administrative Personamathing,, Matthew, Yettobe Vice Blog Author Personamathing,, Ridge, Yettobe Vice Blog Author Personamathing,, and David, Yettobe Vice Blog Author Personamathing

From Aaron, Vice Administrative Personamathing

Date So Long As Today Already Started To Happen


A hearty congratulations and a big warm smiley to those of you who who who who who who who who who (sorry) accepted my invitations to become a very important Personamathing. I also hope that the Yettobe's will be unYettobefied and an official Personamathing so very soon. (we may or may not change the title of Personamathing, because its not an official uhhh... title?)

As you have probably gathered from the title (subject) above, this memo (my lecturer calls it 'mee-mo') does not have anything to do with being depressed or repressing our school uniform. However, it is to remind you (and me) to remind the Yettobe's to check their mail and click on accept.

My lecturers said that memo's usually aren't long letters, just short handwritten messages to pass to someone in your same company. Also, my lecturer just started lecture about memo's today. Cool huh? Not only that, she told us the 'memo' is a short for 'memorandum'. Wow. But what she didn't tell me was that 'memorandum' is a short for 'random memory'. I had to figure that one out myself.

Thank you for reading this,

and being kind to me.

blahblah blahblahblah, blah-blahblah-blah boo blahblah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I doubt they will becomes.. cuz they is not bloggers.. >.< even myself is of the slowness.